Net-zero structural design – online


5x 2-hour online session delivered weekly. Next dates: 27th Feb to 27th Mar
Price varies depending on IStructE Membership.
Visit IStructE for price and booking details


A brand new course delivered as a series of six interactive online sessions. It will enable you to design structures with net zero emissions. We are delivering this course with Will Arnold, Head of Climate Impact at the Institution of Structural Engineers. The content dovetails with the Introduction to Conceptual Design courses that we also deliver with the Institution.

Course content

Bt the end of this course you should be able to:

  • Communicate what Net Zero means and how to achieve it
  • Identify opportunities for reducing carbon in design, including through reimagining briefs
  • Specify materials in a way that is beneficial for the industry, not just your project
  • Think holistically beyond just structure, towards low carbon overall design
  • Understand the basics of offsetting, its limitations and opportunities.

About the trainers

Will Arnold is Head of Climate Action at the IStructE. He leads the Institution’s response to the climate emergency, bringing this action into all aspects of the organisations work including the publication of bestpractice emergency guidance. Prior to his current role, he was a practising structural engineer at Arup for over ten years. He sits on the Structural Awards judging panel and is a member of the Editorial Advisory Group for The Structural Engineer.

Oliver Broadbent is an expert facilitator and award-winning trainer in design thinking for the built environment. With a background in civil engineering and teaching, he specialises in designing high-impact training that has a lasting effect on the learner.

In 2020 Oliver was awarded the Sir Misha Black Award for Innovation in Design Education.

He is Founder and Director of engineering training consultancy Constructivist. There he leads the development of Constructivist’s programme of design training for design consultancies. He also works with universities including Cambridge, Bath and Imperial to develop innovative approaches to curriculum design and delivery.

Oliver is a contributing author to the IStructE’s very popular book ‘Conceptual Design of Buildings’. He has also co-authored a series of good practice teaching guides for the Royal Academy of Engineering on experience-led learning, e-learning for engineers, effective industrial engagement in engineering education and how to teach sustainability.

From 2017 to 2020 he was a Royal Academy of Engineering Visiting Professor at Imperial College, London.

Course requirements and FAQs

This course is intended for near-chartered and chartered structural engineers, involved in structural design on a day-to-day basis.

You must have completed the Embodied Carbon Basics on-demand course

Course reviews:

I feel much more confident in knowing what questions do ask and what my expectations are of others.

Enormous [impact]. Already applying in my work.

Better knowledge to be able to question specialists.