Regenerative Design Lab Summer Residential

We’ve just returned from an enriching experience at our Regenerative Design Lab Summer Residential – the programme’s midpoint for Cohort 2. This marks a crucial stage in our journey, where we transition from envisioning a regenerative built environment industry to figuring out how we can start to build the transition.

A central concept underpinning our approach is the ‘Systems Bookcase’ model, an amalgamation of Donella Meadows’s 12 Levers of Systems Change and Bill Sharpe’s Three Horizons model. We use this model to help us comprehend a regenerative construction industry at a systems level and identify the stepping stones leading to this more viable world.

Using the systems bookcase model to plot a path to a viable, regenerative future

This year, we expanded the Summer Residential duration, enabling participants to spend two nights at Hazel Hill Wood. This extension was designed to maximize our time in the woods, offering a restorative experience with comfortable nights in our eco-cabins, coupled with stimulating discussions and solo time in the woods.

Following this immersive experience, participants will kick-start their action learning phase. Utilizing the insights and understanding developed in the first half of the Lab, they will define experiments to facilitate the transition towards more regenerative practices in our industry.

Participants at the summer lab – (taken after some had gone home – sorry to miss you out of this shot!)

Stay tuned as we’ll soon share the action research questions that are shaping this lab’s exploration.

Lastly, we’d like to remind that there are still openings in the Regenerative Design Policy Lab, commencing on 29th September. For more details, click here.