The journey begins for Lab cohort 2

This morning we said a big hello and welcome to our second cohort of participants in Regenerative Design Lab. Today, this group of 19 engineers and built-environment professionals begin a deep dive into the principles of regenerative design. Our aim is to experiment with regenerative principles and translate theory into practice for wider adoption by the construction industry.

Our Regenerative Design Lab programme is designed to follow a cycle that mirrors the seasons. Spring is a time for emergence, summer a time for growth and autumn a time for harvest. The journey begins with us getting to know each other, and to start a deeper observation of the systems that surround us, that we are part of and the design in.

On this feed we will keep you up-to-date with the activities in the Lab. Check out the Regenerative Design home page for more information about upcoming Lab programmes.

Cohort 2 of the Regenerative Design Lab is being delivered with the support of Engineers Without Borders UK and with funding from the Royal Commission for the Exhibition of 1851.